100 anos de Humberto Mauro - Tesouro Perdido - Lost Treasure
Barcode: 58925578
Call Number: L-RP52
Material Type: Video -VHS
Date: 1927, [199-?]
Language: Portuguese
Creator: Humberto Mauro
Description: The film was first shown in Cataguases in August 1927 and, upon its presentation in Rio de Janeiro, won an award as the best Brazilian film of the year. With a cast that included Mauro’s wife billed as Lola Lys in her only screen appearance, Thesouro Perdido revealed the remarkable cinematic skills of the self-taught filmmaker. Inspired by American productions, the film is a melodramatic adventure story involving bandits in search of a treasure map. The scenes in which they kidnap the heroine and are confronted by the hero in a struggle to the death in a burning cabin as the hero’s brother and friend ride to the rescue on horseback demonstrate Mauro’s successful assimilation of his American contemporaries’ technique in creating heart-pounding excitement. The film, however, lacks the erotic lyricism that would become a marked feature of Mauro’s vision. At the same time, Mauro’s flair for staging dramatic scenes against a natural background foreshadows his subsequent films. (http://www.gildasattic.com/mauro.html)
Collection: Language Resource Center