Tesouros do Cinema Brasileiro - A Filha do Advogado - The Daughter of the Lawyer

Barcode: 58925579 Call Number: L-RP53 Material Type: Video -VHS Time: 92 min. Date: c1926 Language: Portuguese Creator: Jota Soares Description: Helvécio is son of the Dr. Pablo, a famous lawyer, and takes a life bohemian. Dr. Pablo has loving one and a son of this relationship, Heloísa. Helvécio knows her and, being unaware of the kinship, tries to seduce her. In the fight that if follows, he kills her. Nobody accepted its defense in the court, until a stranger appears to help it. With a structure simple narrative, film shows the natural beauties of Recife, its mansions and the life of the bourgeoisie in the interior. In 1981, the film is recouped and relaunched. One of the films most important of the "Cycle of Recife", that the 1931 lasted of 1923. Its director, Jota Soares, were born in 1906 and faleceu in 1988. Researcher and historian of the "Cycle of Recife", left an important quantity on this more two films of long period and - metragem: Aitaré of the Beach - 2° version - (1927) and In the Scene of the Life (1930). It also worked as actor in diverse films in this period. (http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://www.2001video.com.br/detalhes_produto_extra_vhs.asp%3Fproduto%3D364&prev=/search%3Fq%3DFilha%2Bdo%2BAdvogado%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG) Actors: Jota Soares, Guiomar Teixeira, Euclides Jardim, Noberto Teixeira, Olíria Salgado, Ferreira Castro, Jasmelina de Oliveira, Severino Steves, Valderez de Souza, Luís Marques, Pedro Salgado, Collection: Language Resource Center