Americaner Schadchen - אמעריקאנער שגכן, Ich Wil Zein a Boarder - איך וויל זיין א בארדער - American Matchmaker, I want to be a Boarder

Barcode: 58946473 Call Number: 58946473 Material Type: Video -VHS Date: 1937, 1940 System Requirements: NTSC Language: Yiddish Creator: Edgar G. Ulmer ; Joseph Selden Description: American Matchmaker In his last Yiddish-language feature, Americaner Schadchen, Edgar G. Ulmer married his experience of the Yiddish theater -- with its musical interludes and stock comic characters -- to the urbane romantic comedies Hollywood made in counterpoint to the Depression. East European shtetl mores enter into gentle negotiations with New York sophistication in the lives of Ulmer’s second-generation American Jewish immigrants. I want to be a Boarder Chaim and his wife can't decide whether to separate or divorce. So, instead, they decide to play boarder and landlady. This game goes well until the landlady begins to fall for the charming boarder. Soon the landlady starts talking about murdering her husband, much to Chaim's dismay... Collection: Martin Salinger Resource Collection