Andrei Rublev
Barcode: 58950142
Call Number: V-RUS 052B
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 99 min.
Date: c1966
System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1
DVD Region: Region 1
Language: Russian, French
Creator: Directed by Andrej Tarkovskij
Description: By opinion poll of the members of the European Academy of Film and Television (1995), this motion picture was recognized one of the world’s ten best films (8th place). Its original title – "The Andrei Passion".The historic background – Russia in the 15th century, the princes’ feuds, the internal strife. Though it in no way overshadows the film’s basic philosophical message. The perennial question of "artist versus authority", if the loneliness of a genius and his ability to rise above the crowd, the problems of faith and faithlessness are examined through the prism of a life story of the great Russian icon painter Andrei Rublyov. The title part was the first film role for the outstanding Russian actor Anatoly Solonitsyn who was to become a Tarkovsky actor for many years.
Collection: Language Resource Center