A Trumpet in the Wadi = Hatzotzra Ba-Vadi
Barcode: 58950275
Call Number: V-HEB 122
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 97 min.
Date: c2002
System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1
DVD Region: Region 1
Language: Arabic, Hebrew
Creator: Directed by Lena Chaplin and Slava Chaplin
Description: This film is about interracial love. It is about family, sex and marriage. Two Arab sisters who are in their thirties are desperately trying to get married without much luck. One sister is beautiful and men fight over her, but she is not sure if she wants to settle for an attractive scum or a rich so-so. The other sister gradually notices a new Russian student neighbor who plays beautiful trumpet. He is short and ugly and oh yes... he is a Jew. This film captures well the interaction of the Arabic family, and to a lesser extent, there is a great scene with the Jewish family. It is funny and sweet on occasion, but we are not talking about an amazing romance either. These people seem to get together because they have to, because it is the best alternative. This is often how it is however and we start to understand how that is to be.
Collection: Language Resource Center