Sershul Monastery
Barcode: 58950283
Call Number: V-TIB 005
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 14 min.
Date: 2007
System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1
DVD Region: Region 1
Language: Tibetan
Creator: Directed by Lynn True and Nelson Walker III
Description: Home to 1300 monks, Sershül Monastery is the largest Gelug monastery in Kham, and the religious center of Dzachukha County—the highest, largest, poorest, coldest, and most remote county in Sichuan Province. Sershül was established in 1760. Many of the buildings were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, but have since been rebuilt. It is home to numerous important relics, including a tooth belonging to Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelug Order.
The films below were created in September 2007, as part of a collaboration between Sershül Monastery's resident videographers and facilitators from the Kham Film Project. The participants filmed an overview of Sershül Monastery, depicting its history and important landmarks. The resulting short film was edited by project facilitator Tsering Perlo, with input from Lynn True and Nelson Walker.
Subjects: Documentary
Collection: Language Resource Center