A hora de estrela = Hour of the Star
Barcode: 58954363
Call Number: V-POR 059
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 96 min.
Date: 2005
System Requirements: Region 1
DVD Region: Region 1
Language: Portuguese
Creator: Directed by Suzana Amaral
Description: "Macabea has just moved to the big city after her aunt, who raised her, died. She gets a job as a typist and moves into a boarding house with three other women. In her spare time she listens to time Radio Station; on Sundays she likes to ride the subways. She describes herself saying, "I am a typist and a virgin, and I like Coca-Cola." Then she meets Olimpico, a north-easterner like herself, who has dreams of becoming a Congressman." -- IMDb
Collection: Language Resource Center