Barcode: 58954710
Call Number: V-TUR 010
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 105 min.
System Requirements: NTSC
Language: Turkish
Creator: Directed by Abdullah Oguz
Description: Meryem (Özgü Namal), a young woman of about 17 years old, is believed to have been violated, and her village's customs call for her to be killed to restore honor and dignity to her family and village. A young, newly returned war veteran and son of the village leader, Cemal (Murat Han), is ordered to take Meryem to Istanbul and kill her, but at the last minute he doesn't allow himself to complete the task and the two, now unable to ever return to their village, run away together. Eventually, they meet up with ex-Professor Irfan, a man who has decided to live on a boat away from his wife and limited life.
Collection: Language Resource Center