Barcode: 58957500
Call Number: DV-RUS 078
Material Type: Video -Digital
Time: 77 min.
Date: 2006
System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1
Language: Russian, English AND French
Creator: Directed by Bertrand Normand
Description: "Ballerina documents the lives of five ballerinas from the world renowned Kirov dance company. The film captures the magical masochism of the Russian prima ballerina with five women who eat, drink, bleed, and sweat ballet. They are Russia's pride and joy--the best at what they do. Each one has become ethereal and a star in her own right, fighting and clawing her way to glory in the Kirov company. The discipline is severe, the path strewn with sights amazing and disturbing, and the dancing truly divine and exquisitely beautiful. In comparison with the reality of what it takes to be a Russian prima ballerina, even as seen in this admittedly small slice, The Red Shoes is an outrageous fairy tale." - WorldCat
Collection: Language Resource Center