Dokhtaran Khorshid / Dakhtaran-e khorshid = Daughters of the Sun
Barcode: 58957575
Call Number: DV-PER 006
Material Type: Video -Digital
Time: 92 min.
Date: 2000
Language: Persian - Farsi
Creator: Directed by Maryam Shahriar
Description: "Amanagol (Altinay Ghelich Taghani), the daughter of a poor rural family in Iran, becomes "Aman," when her father shaves her head, disguises her as a boy, and dispatches her to another village to work weaving carpets. Proficient at the job, "Aman" is nonetheless exploited by the owner and isolated from all those around her. Her secret becomes jeopardized when a young co-worker, engaged to an older man, falls in love with her." - cover
Collection: Language Resource Center