Astrid Lindgren's Emil i Lönneberga, Nya Hyss av Emil i Lönneberga, and Emil och Griseknoen

Barcode: 58963237
Call Number: V-SWE 040
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 281 min.
Date: 1971-73
System Requirements: Region 2
Language: Swedish, Finnish, or Norwegian
Creator: Directed by Olle Hellbom
Description: Disc 1 : An 8 y.o. Swedish boy always gets into trouble despite good intentions and afterwards ends locked up in a shed. He lives on a farm (before electricity and cars) with his mom, dad, sister, maid, best friend the farmhand and an old woman.
Disc 2: Emil visit the market in Vimmerby, take part in the yearly religious examination and save Alfred from dying in a snow storm.
Disc 3: Emil visit a country auction, help Lina pull out a tooth and raise his pig to do tricks.
3 discs -
1. Emil i Lönneberga, including Singing with Lina, Singing with Emil, Astrid Tells, and trailers
2. Nya Hyss av Emil i Lönneberga (New Mischief by Emil), including Singing with Ida, Astrid Tells, and trailers
3. Emil och griseknoen (Emil and the Piglet), including Singing with Ida, Astrid Tells, and traielrs
Collection: Language Resource Center