17 mgnoveniĭ vesny = 17 мгновений весны = 17 Moments of Spring
Barcode: 58965134
Call Number: V-RUS 098
Material Type: Video -DVD
Time: 414 min.
Date: 2004
System Requirements: NTSC All Regions
Language: Russian
Creator: Directed by Tat'yana Lioznova
Description: This series is based on a true story of a Russian spy Colonel Isaev (Stirlitz) in Fascist Germany during 17 days in very end of WWII. Stirlitz has worked his way to the very top of the Fascist hierarchy without being caught. However, his "colleagues", top Hitler's officers Borman, Mueller, Schellenberg are beginning to suspect him. Stirlitz is constantly walking on the edge between his two identities, sending information to Russia while skillfully maintaining the appearance of loyalty to fascist regime.
Collection: Language Resource Center