Als Paul über das Meer kam = When Paul Came Over the Sea

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Barcode: 58965616 Material Type: Video -Digital Time: 93 mins Date: 2017 Language: German Creator: Directed by Jakob Preuss Description: "An unusual friendship grows in a politically problematic context. Paul is a migrant from Cameroon. He has made his way across the Sahara to the Moroccan coast where he now lives in a forest waiting for the right moment to cross the Mediterranean Sea. This is where he meets Jakob, a filmmaker from Berlin, who is filming along Europe's borders. After Paul manages to cross over to Spain on a rubber boat, he meets Jakob again at a shelter for migrants. When Paul decides to continue on from Spain to Germany, Jakob has to decide: will he become an active part of Paul's pursuit of a better life? Or remain a detached filmmaker?" - UMich Lib catalog Collection: Language Resource Center