Swahili : Thematic Vocabulary and Short Stories

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Barcode: 58965986 Call Number: IL-SWA All Material Type: Print Date: 2021 Language: Swahili, English Creator: Elvin Allazov Description: This book comprises of both most needed vocabulary and short stories for beginners. Designed to enrich the words basis of learners who are serious in learning Swahili, the book has around 1,500 words sorted into 45 themes under the umbrella of 12 main topics. Thematic topics cover the areas like Personal Information, Accommodation, Environment, Business, Transportation, Education, Health, Bureau, Societies and Politics, Entertainment, Food and General Words. Short stories - improve your reading skills At the end of stories, you will have set of exercises: A. Vocabulary Exercise B. Writing Practice C. Speaking Practice Stories are voiced by native speaker. Audio tracks can be streamed on www.lingvora.com. Collection: Language Resource Center