ブレイブ・ストーリー. 下 = Brave Story 2

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Barcode: 58994614 Call Number: FR-JPN Miy Material Type: Print Date: 2003 Language: Japanese Creator: Miyuki Miyabe Description: "A "phantom world'' where various monsters, curses, harsh nature, and harsh fates imposed on travelers await. Wataru aims for the "Tower of Fate" with Mina, Ki Keema, and others while acquiring the five jewels that should be placed in the brim of the hero's sword. What is the fate of Mitsuru, a rival who is ahead of the curve? What is the future of the “phantom world” that rests on Wataru’s shoulders? And will Wataru’s wish be fulfilled in the real world? Many breathtaking and exciting scenes, and characters who are both frightening and endearing. An impressive 2,300 sheets packed with all the best parts of the story. " - Google Books via Google Translate Collection: Language Resource Center