LangMedia : Wolof
Barcode: 58995178
Material Type: Online Resource
Language: Wolof
Creator: Five College Center for World Languages
Description: Accessible at:
Wolof Language Resources:
Audio for Wolof Peace Corp Language Manual
Beginning Wolof Modules
CultureTalk Senegal, video interviews in native languages and in English, all have English subtitles or transcripts. Includes the following topics:
- Arts & Entertainment
- Economy & Politics
- Education
- Everyday Life
- Family
- Food
- Kids Talk
- Language
- Living Abroad
- Places
- Recreation
- Religious & Cultural Traditions
- Society, Health, & Environment
- Work
- Youth Culture
Language by Country: Wolof and French in Senegal, videos on everyday life. Includes the following topics:
-Basic Communication
-Culture and Social Life
-Shopping and Service
-Video and audio for each section plus transcripts