Festes i tradicions populars de catalunya

Barcode: 58944516 Call Number: FR-CAT Ser Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Aquest volum recull, per primer cop en català, una àmplia selecció d'articles oblidats resumeixen la tasca ingent de l'autor amb vista a l'estudi, la recopilació i la interpretació del folklore català: festes, tradicions, manifestacions significatives de la vida del poble, record i testimoniatge d'una època ja passada en molts aspectes Collection: Language Resource Center

Gaeli i l'home déu

Barcode: 58944471 Call Number: FR-CAT Cal Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de Narrativa Catalana 1987 Collection: Language Resource Center

Girona - guia del visitant

Barcode: 58945755 Call Number: FR-CAT Gir Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Collection: Language Resource Center

Guia de la ciutat: Barcelona

Barcode: 58944521 Call Number: FR-CAT Bar Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: A més de la localització dels carrers de la Ciutat, també hi apareixen altres informacions com ara la ubicació dels parcs i espais verds, el sentit de la circulació del trànsit, els pàrkings municipals, els transports, les farmàcies, les benzineres, etc. Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i el calze de foc = Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

cover image Barcode: 58962155 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Laura Escorihuela Martínez Description: The fourth novel in the Harry Potter series. It follows the mystery surrounding the entry of Harry's name into the Triwizard Tournament, in which he is forced to compete. Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i el misteri del príncep = Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

cover image Barcode: 58962154 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Xavier Pàmies Giménez Description: As Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book marked as "the property of the Half-Blood Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past. Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i el pres d'azkaban = Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

cover image Barcode: 58962156 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Laura Escorihuela Martínez Description: Along with Ron and Hermione, Harry investigates Sirius Black, an escaped prisoner from Azkaban who they believe is one of Lord Voldemort's old allies. Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix = Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

cover image Barcode: 58962157 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Xavier Pàmies Giménez Description: Follows Harry Potter's struggles through his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including the surreptitious return of the antagonist Lord Voldemort, O.W.L. exams, and an obstructive Ministry of Magic. Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i la cambra secreta = Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

cover image Barcode: 58962151 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Laura Escorihuela Martínez Description: The second novel in the Harry Potter series. The plot follows Harry's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during which a series of messages on the walls of the school's corridors warn that the "Chamber of Secrets" has been opened and that the "heir of Slytherin" would kill all pupils who do not come from all-magical families. These threats are found after attacks which leave residents of the school "petrified" (frozen like stone). ... Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal = Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

cover image Barcode: 58962152 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Laura Escorihuela Martínez Description: Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Collection: Language Resource Center

Harry Potter i les reliques de la mort = Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

cover image Barcode: 58962153 Call Number: FR-CAT Row Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: J. K. Rowling, translated by Xavier Pàmies Giménez Description: Seventh and final novel of the Harry Potter series. Harry has finally come of age, and finally started on his final journey to defeat Voldemort for good. Collection: Language Resource Center

Herois = Héroes = Forever Young

cover image Barcode: 58962126 Call Number: V-CAT 011 Material Type: Video -DVD Language: Catalàn, Spanish Creator: Directed by Pau Freixas Description: Xavi goes down to his family holiday home in Spain where he meets his best friends. As a gang they enter a race to win the magic tree house where Xavi can wish for his Dad to come back after his parents split and his mum re-marries. During the holiday Xavi learns about love for girls and learns how to accept his step dad after lying to his friends. And as a gang they build a cart that will hopefully win the race Collection: Language Resource Center

Incerta Glòria = Uncertain Glory

cover image Barcode: 58962172 Call Number: V-CAT 014 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 119 min. Language: Catalan Creator: Directed by Augusti Villaronga Description: A married young republican officer falls in love with a widow with authoritarian ambition. He must make a difficult choice when his best friend uncovers the romance and threatens to expose him. Collection: Language Resource Center

Introducció a la història dels Països Catalans

Barcode: 58962230 Call Number: FR-CAT Bot Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: Albert Botran, Lluís Sales i Favà, Carles Castellanos i Llorenç Collection: Language Resource Center

La Blancaneu - Snow White

cover image Barcode: 58956697 Call Number: FR-CAT Des Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: Miquel Desclot; illustrated by d'Ignasi Blanch Description: Adaptation of Snow White by the Brothers Grimm Retells the tale of the beautiful princess whose lips were red as blood, skin was white as snow, and hair was black as ebony. Collection: Language Resource Center

La Casita Blanca, La Ciutat Oculta = The white small house / The city hides

cover image Barcode: 58944347 Call Number: V-CAT 006 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 82 min. System Requirements: PAL, Region 2 DVD Region: Language: Catalan, Spanish Creator: Directed by Carles Balagué Description: 1945-1955: Barcelona hides: estraper it, the misery, the records of rationing, the "houses of appointments", maquis urban, the political secrecy and in resistance the Eucarístico Congress, the visits of Franco and Eva Perón in Barcelona. In the Barcelona of postwar period the name of "the white small house" was very popular, a well-known house of appointments, or "meuble '", as it were said then, with modest galicismo. Through its history a black chronicle of ... Collection: Language Resource Center

La Ciutat Cremada = The Burned City = La ciudad quemada

cover image Barcode: 58954751 Call Number: V-CAT 008 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 160 min. System Requirements: PAL, Region 2 DVD Region: Language: Catalan, Spanish Creator: Directed by Antoni Ribas Description: From the disaster of Cuba to the Tragic Week The film narrates the historic events which took place in Barcelona between 1899 and 1909, from the arrival of soldiers from the Spanish-American War to the riots known as the Tragic Week.Around the Palau family, exemplars of the Catalan bourgeoisie and of the economic development of the time, the most important political and social events of the period play out. Collection: Language Resource Center

La màgia de les paraules

Barcode: 58944470 Call Number: FR-CAT Mar Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Els poemes d'aquest recull són plens d'imatges, i les imatges són plenes d'imaginació com si la poeta no hagués oblidat mai del tot aqulla nena que era que potser ja jugava amb paraules que cascavellejaven com follets: paraules plenes de màgia per donar un sentit més ric i bell a les coses, a l'experiència, al món. Collection: Language Resource Center

La Ruta del Modernisme: Guió cinematogràfic

Barcode: 58944469 Call Number: FR-CAT Bal Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Més de 50 punts d'interès modernista, cases particulars, palaus, temples, parcs, botigues, més de 5 quilòmetres de ruta. Collection: Language Resource Center

Lágrimas rojas

cover image Barcode: 58962789 Call Number: V-SPA 570 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 87 min. System Requirements: NTSC Region 1 Language: Catalan, Spanish Creator: Directed by Lucia Meler and Victor Riverola Description: "This documentary wants to pay homage to the families and the people who survived the concentration camps (with an emphasis on the Spaniards who were there) and also to those who weren't, and to all those who believe that evil comes in many forms, and one of them uses the swastika as a symbol." - Vicotr Riverola Collection: Language Resource Center

Los cronocrímenes

cover image Barcode: 58962939 Call Number: V-SPA 579 Material Type: Video -DVD System Requirements: NTSC Region 1, PAL Region 2 Language: Catalan, Spanish - Castillian, Basque Creator: Directed by Nacho Vigalondo Description: A man accidentally gets into a time machine and travels back in time nearly an hour. Finding himself will be the first of a series of disasters of unforeseeable consequences. Rating Audience (Video Only): R Collection: Language Resource Center

Nedar / Nadar

cover image Barcode: 58962323 Call Number: V-CAT 016 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 94 min. System Requirements: Region 1 Language: Catalan, Castellano Creator: Directed by Carla Subirana Description: The personal identity and the reconstruction of memories and the past are the theme of Carla Subirana's intimate film Nadar. In her first full-length film, the director reflects on the loss of family and collective memory. The film maker succeeds in giving her personal quest a moving universal meaning. Subirana grew up in a world of women. Her anti-Franco grandfather was executed in 1940 after the Spanish Civil War for committing three armed raids. When Subirana embarks on her quest for ... Collection: Language Resource Center

Petit Indi = Little Indi

cover image Barcode: 58994703 Call Number: V-CAT 020 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 92 min. System Requirements: PAL; Region 2 Language: Catalan, Spanish Creator: dir. by Marc Recha Description: "In addition to an incipient fondness for greyhound racing, the young Arnau has two inseparable companions: a songbird and a fox. Both accompany him in his journey to adolescence, a difficult transition due to some hard circumstances: the mother of the boy is locked in prison, and he is forced to live with his uncles. Written by jsanchez" - IMDb Collection: Language Resource Center

Què es pot fer amb la llengua?

Barcode: 58944472 Call Number: FR-CAT Rue Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: La denominació d'origen de la Llengua Catalana, és un problema realment lleu quan ens enfrontem al problema real, el per què els catalns, valencians i balears no s'entenen quan parlen, ni entre ells, ni els uns amb els altres. No entre els catalans i els valencians, que malgrat les creadilles (als valencians no esl grada que els catalns els toquem les patates valencianes), ens hem entès tota la vida i quan no, no ha estat un problema de la llengua (o si) (hi ha llengues amb les que ... Collection: Language Resource Center

SMS En Català

Barcode: 58944466 Call Number: FR-CAT Can Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: SMS en català ofereix, per primera vegada, una proposta per combinar brevetat, rapidesa i llengua catalana en els teus missatges de mòbil. Caterina Canyelles i Margalida Cuill presenten unes pautes fàcils i pràctiques, que et permetran un ús obert de totes les possibilitats que ofereix la nostra llengua. Guanyara's temps i estalviaràs espai seguints la lògica de la llengua catalana. Collection: Language Resource Center