Barcode: 58944461 Call Number: FR-CAT 100 Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Una guia selectiva dels millors llocs relacionats amb el disseny i l'arquitectura de la ciutat, dividida en quatre grans temes; bars (deink & design); restaurants (food & design); comerços (shopping & design) i edificis i espais urbans (architecture & design). Una guia elaborada amb un criteri de slecció plural, on hi tenen cabuda tots els punts de vista, recollits de les opinions de 100 personatges que representen diferents generacions i diversos àmbits del món de la ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944520 Call Number: IL-CAT Mir Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: El llibre es divideix en dues parts. A la primera part hi ha moltes indicacions i molt detallades per treballar cadascuna de les nocions, agrupades en 15 àrees temàtiques. Tant les situacions bàsiques de diàleg com les activitats-joc que s'hi proposen detallen els objectius comunicatius que tenen, l'habilitat lingüística que treballen, el material que es necessita i el procediment que cal seguir. La segona part conté tots els elements que es necessiten per dur a la pràctica les ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944467 Call Number: FR-CAT Par Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944462 Call Number: FR-CAT Hue Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58962276 Call Number: V-CAT 017 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 91 min. System Requirements: Region 2 Language: Catalan, Spanish - Castillian Creator: Directed by Judith Colell Description: "Three people waiting for a bus one winter's night look on as a dog is abandoned. Mila is a teacher on a year's leave of absence after having been attacked by one of her students. Celso is a security guard, married, with a son, who has serious trouble making ends meet, and who is on the point of learning that he's about to be a father again, but this time to twins. And then there is Valeria, a cello student with a murky family/love relationship. All three set out on a voyage ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58943662 Call Number: V-CAT 002 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 90 min. System Requirements: Region 2 Language: Catalan Creator: Directed by Ventura Pons Description: Ventura Pons (Caresses) brings Josep M. Benet I Jornet's intimate, psychological drama, Testament, to the screen. A dying college professor is drawn to an emotionally remote male student and street hustler who has also impregnated the daughter of his best friend. "...about as intense a 90-minute experience as you can have at the movies" (Liz Braun, Toronto Sun). In Spanish with English subtitles. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944473 Call Number: FR-CAT Apr Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: El llibre que teniu a les mans, Aprendre amb Joan Brossa, és un llibre pedagògic, i no només didàctic, en el sentit que és una antologia que pretén bàsicament que qui l'agafi aprengui coses no només sobre Brossa sinó també sobre la vida, la societat, la llengua, la poesia i moltes altres coses. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944346 Call Number: V-CAT 005 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 70 min. System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1 Language: Catalan Creator: Directed by Manuel Cussó-Ferrer Description: Babaouo is on a quest to find his beloved Matilde, who has sent him a letter from a castle in Portugal, asking for his help. He sets out on his journey to the mysterious castle, and after numerous fortuitous encounters and strange situations along the way he finds Matilde and they finally manage to escape, only for their car to crash: Matilde dies and Babaouo is blinded. Having taken refuge in a village in Brittany, Babaouo regains his sight and becomes an artist, until one day, out on one of ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58995112 Material Type: Online Resource Language: Catalan, English Creator: Colin McIntosh, chief editor Description: Accessible at: Get the English words and meanings you need to know as a beginning to intermediate learner, with helpful Catalan translations and thousands of carefully chosen example sentences from the Cambridge English Corpus. The Cambridge English–Catalan Dictionary is based on original research on the unique Cambridge English Corpus, and includes all the words at CEFR levels A1–B2 in the English Vocabulary Profile. |
Barcode: 58944460 Call Number: FR-CAT Mac Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Aquesta és una història que gira al votant dels fragments d'una vida, aquells bocins que han quedat incrustats a la memòria, sobre els quals reflexiona l'autor, que ha viatjat entre dos mons, la família i l'arquitectura. Tots dos es troben aquí, en un intent de donar sentit al caos aparent, amb salts endavant i enrere en el temps, però, en certa manera, vinculats als llocs. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944476 Call Number: FR-CAT Cui Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Aquest libre que teniu a les mans neix en una plaça, la plaça Folch i Torres del barri de Raval de Barcelona, i és una manifestació ben clara del fet que persones molt diverses i amb interessos molt diferents poden fer coses juntes i establir ponts i lligams per afavorir la convivència mútua. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Volume Number: disc 2 Barcode: 58944350 Call Number: V-CAT 007B Material Type: Video -DVD System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1 Language: Catalan Description: The coming year 2004, DAGOLL DAGOM will turn thirty years old. During this period, the company has created 15 shows, most of them are classified within the MUSICAL THEATRE, and has offered around 5.000 performances to all types of audiences in Spain, Europe and South America. At the same time, it has produced four fiction television comedies that have had great audiences and also edited several CDs with their show’s soundtracks. DAGOLL DAGOM has created texts and scores of its shows, and has ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Volume Number: disc 1 Barcode: 58944349 Call Number: V-CAT 007A Material Type: Video -DVD System Requirements: NTSC, Region 1 Language: Catalan Description: The coming year 2004, DAGOLL DAGOM will turn thirty years old. During this period, the company has created 15 shows, most of them are classified within the MUSICAL THEATRE, and has offered around 5.000 performances to all types of audiences in Spain, Europe and South America. At the same time, it has produced four fiction television comedies that have had great audiences and also edited several CDs with their show’s soundtracks. DAGOLL DAGOM has created texts and scores of its shows, and has ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944522 Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: 58.000 entrades; 114.000 accepcions; 18.000 locucions, frases fetes i refranys; 15.000 exemples d'ús; 2.400 noms de lloc i de persona, històrics i mitològics. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944517 Call Number: IL-CAT Bru Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Aquest diccionari intenta aclarir més de 3.650 dubtes o dificultats molt diversos, amb indicacions pràctiques i molts exemples il•lustratius. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58995113 Material Type: Online Resource Language: Catalan Description: Accessible at: ... |
Barcode: 58944513 Call Number: FR-CAT Dic Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: Dictats a mà és una eina pràctica per al professorat de català, tant de secundària com d'adults. També serveix per a l'autoaprenentatge. Consta de 200 textos per dictar, agrupats en tres nivells. Els textos són reals (hi reconeixereu moltes de les vostres lectures!), clars i ben escirts, entenedors i atractius, de tipologies textuals diverses, sense noms propis complicats, amb indicaciones sobre les dificultats, i d'una extensió de 90 a 150 paraules. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Volume Number: 1 Barcode: 58962159 Call Number: FR-CAT Tor Material Type: Print-Graphic Novel Language: Catalan Creator: Akira Toriyama, translated by Agnès Pérez Massegú Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944458 Call Number: FR-CAT Sie Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: La vida dels homes del futur és molt emocionant, llançats a la conquesta de l'univers. No menys apassionant és la d'un escriptor actual que imagina i escriu la seva història. Dos libres, un dins de l'altre, asseguran al lector uns relats plens d'intriga i de plaer. Jordi Sierra i Fabra, expert en música rock, mestre del gènere de ciència-ficció, és un dels escriptors preferits pels joves lectors. En aquesta col•lecció: Històries sorprenents. A partir dels 11 ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58963272 Call Number: V-SPA 591 Material Type: Video -DVD System Requirements: PAL Region 2 Language: Catalan, Castilian Creator: Directed by Marc Crehuet Description: A young man who lost his eye with a rubber ball in a street protest, coincidentally meets the riot police who shot the ball in a dinner. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58963279 Call Number: V-CAT 018 Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 87 min. System Requirements: PAL Region 2 Language: Catalan, Spanish Creator: Directed by Marc Crehuet Description: A young man who lost his eye with a rubber ball in a street protest, coincidentally meets the riot police who shot the ball in a dinner. Collection: Language Resource Center |
Edition: 1st Volume Number: Books 1-3 Barcode: 58994569 Call Number: FR-CAT Tol Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Creator: written by JRR Tolkien, translated by Francesc Parcerisas Description: "Si bé Tolkien va concebre El Senyor dels Anells com una sola història, la novel·la va ser dividida en tres parts per motius editorials: La Germandat de l'Anell, Les Dues Torres i El Retorn del Rei, i compta a més amb un llibre d'apèndixs. Tot i aquesta divisió, el llibre no és una trilogia i al mateix Tolkien li molestava que l'anomenessin així, ja que des del principi estava escrit per formar un sol tom, però l'editorial George Allen & Unwin va decidir ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Edition: Catalan ed. Volume Number: disc 1 Barcode: 58944344 Call Number: V-CAT 004A Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 172 min. System Requirements: PAL, Region 2 DVD Region: Language: Catalan Creator: Directed by Peter Jackson Description: In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-Earth still it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell, by chance, into the hands of the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. On his eleventy-first birthday, Bilbo disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin, Frodo, the Ruling Ring, and a ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Edition: Catalan ed. Volume Number: disc 2 Barcode: 58944345 Call Number: V-CAT 004B Material Type: Video -DVD Time: 172 min. System Requirements: PAL, Region 2 DVD Region: Language: Catalan Creator: Directed by Peter Jackson Description: In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-Earth still it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell, by chance, into the hands of the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. On his eleventy-first birthday, Bilbo disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin, Frodo, the Ruling Ring, and a ... Collection: Language Resource Center |
Barcode: 58944515 Call Number: IL-CAT Xur Material Type: Print Language: Catalan Description: La conjugació dels més de 8.800 verbs inclosos en el DIEC. Collection: Language Resource Center |